I am currently listening to Bust A Move on repeat in order to get in the zone. I recently created a pageviews contest/ strike. I simply went on Facebook and Instagram and stated that I refuse to write a new post until I had so many pageviews. I have finally checked how many pageviews I have and it is over the amount I requested! So thanks for sitting at home and hitting the refresh button, Mom!
I should really be in bed so I'm gonna make this a simple update post to just let y'all know what's up.
1. Rocking it at school, but we all knew I was a genius
2. Still have made no friends but really, no one is good enough
3. Bonsai tree is still alive but I have stopped watering it everyday because my Grandma told me it might be too much love (who knew there was such a thing?)
4. Hogwarts is still playing hard to get
5. Man fell asleep on me on the bus
6. Well he was sick and dozed off and started to lean into me but woke up when I shifted my arm
7. Sorry, sir, I'm taken
8. I've had to take the elevators a few times when I was sick or late
9. I missed a week of school because I had mono :( which I hate telling people because it makes me sound like a slut
10. I was almost a unicorn for Halloween
11. Long story short: I got dressed up in my unicorn costume, got tired, took off costume, went to bed
12. My parents bought a robotic garbage can
13. Ummmmm...
14. That's all I got
15. Good night! More detailed post will come soon!
May the Force be with you!
Monday, 11 November 2013
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
This Blog is all I have in a Busy Cafeteria
Hello! Hello! Off to school we go!
I am currently sitting in the cafeteria at my new college trying to look too cool for friends by typing away on my phone. Hogwarts still hasn't gotten ahold of me and isn't returning my calls or emails so I decided I would make it jealous by coming to E-town. What am I majoring in? Badassness.
So I have now quit my jobs and am living in the city. It's alright so far. I'm going to visit home this weekend to see Mr. Gnarles and take Petey back to the mechanic's again since he's being a bitch and blasting unconditioned air.
I have to take an hour bus ride to school every morning and so far it hasn't been too bad. It's kind of weird though like I feel like I'm late when I'm on it because of all the stopping. I'm sure it would be faster to drive myself but I don't wanna pay for parking or deal with crazy drivers. And I really don't know my way around that well. Last night I went to Wendy's and then did about three circles trying to go home. First I accidentally turned into a parking lot that had its own turning lane. I'm not even embarrassed to admit that, I mean I'm from a small town, I've never seen that shit. Then when I got back on the right track I put myself in the left turning lane instead of just keeping left. I swear my GPS hates me. I'm waiting for it to just start swearing at me for being an idiot. So far no one creepy has sat beside me on the bus. Yesterday there was a lady with a moustache on the bus. Not like a super full grown 'stache but just like a woman with excessive upper lip hair who should probably do something about it. Or maybe share her secret with me so that I can finally become a part of Beardy and Seannanigans' Team Beard. This lady had two little boys with her and they were on their way to daycare. Every time the LRT would go by they would say "bye choo-choo!" which I found rather adorable. But then we were on the next bus waiting for it to leave the station and the LRT was loading people at their station across the street and I had to listen to "bye choo-choo" repeatedly for five minutes. Mustache tried to tell them that was enough but I guess they didn't agree. Pretty risky, whenever a mustache tells me to do something I do it. If the bus had left a minute later I would've been yelling "LEAVE CHOO-CHOO, LEAVE!!"
While here at college I'm really hoping to find myself. I've always thought it would be impossible since I think I've already lost a great portion of my mind. Not The Great Portion but a rather large portion. I did, however, manage to find out something about myself; I hate elevators. Living in a population of 7000 the only real elevators we have are in hotels or the hospital and since I rarely enter either I don't ride them very often. I've gone on the ones in west Ed but its only one floor difference. The ones in my college go up to the 7th floor of my program building and scare the shit out of me. I have gone in them I think three times and every time I have to hold onto the rail at the back and I sort of run through the doors. I don't like the dropping feeling whenever it starts or stops and I also have an image in my head of the doors closing while I'm going through them. This is why I took the stairs this morning all the way up to my 7th floor class. There's two flights of stairs per floor so after 14 I'm pretty sure the entire building could hear my heartbeat. But I mean exercise is good. I'm really determined to not gain 'The Freshman Fifteen' and have only been to Wendy's once...since yesterday :p
In my classes yesterday we had to do that thing where you say your name and something interesting about yourself. I fucking hate that. Like honestly I don't give a shit what you did this summer, I don't even know you. And everything someone says to try to be interesting isn't. Like even I forget all the interesting things about myself when put on the spot. Like my best friend is a 3 foot gnome, my favourite animal is the unicorn, my favourite color is sparkles, I'm a wizard, I love Wendy's, I drive a lemon car, I'm a lifeguard therefore mermaid and I bought a bonsai tree and its super badass and hasn't died yet, Dad, even though you said it would. Like if I said all that everyone would scooch their chairs to the opposite side of the classroom. Because that much awesomeness is really hard for most people to handle.
I actually am taking really good care of my bonsai tree. I water it every morning and put it out on the patio for sunlight and then bring it in at night. It's even growing new leaves because it just loves me so much.
Not sure if you guys have noticed this about me but I love things that are either miniature or gigantic (she said half of that ;) ) and I give inanimate objects personalities (watched Toy Story one too many times). See, not only am I finding myself but I'm also helping you find me.
I better get going though. I have my last class in half an hour and have to climb the stairs.
Have fun at school, nerds!
May the Force be with you!
-Rock Mutha Fuckin Awesome
(Feeling confident today, I am)
Sunday, 28 July 2013
My Ex Got SnapChat
Hello all my magical people!!!
I firstly need to apologize for how long it's been. I have been going through a lot in my personal life including getting ready for college and working my butt off to afford to not work my butt off while at college. I have also been dealing with a pretty dramatic breakup that my friends are all tired of hearing about. So I'm going to tell my readers about it.
Actually I'm not going to open up to all the things that happened because honestly it's none of your beeswax. But I am going to say that we ended things because I'm just too awesome to handle ;)
Actually he was kind of an asshole.
Anyways, I just found out that he now has SnapChat. "What is SnapChat?" some of you old farts might ask. Well it is an app you can download on your smartphone to send pictures to your friends. I actually went to the app store to find how they define SnapChat to explain it to you;
"Snap a photo or a video, add a caption, and send it to a friend (or maybe a few). They'll view it, laugh, and then the snap disappears from the screen-unless your friend takes a screenshot!"
So it's pretty much my Me-Memes but they made it into an app. My friends and I use it all the time. PattyStabs is like the queen of SnapChat. We don't even text anymore, we just SnapChat. I wanted to add some examples so that you can really get the idea of it.

These are just a couple random ones that I saved onto my phone. They only give you one line for a caption so sometimes you have to get creative and send a series of photos so that you can fit your whole sentence in.
So when I saw that Asshead now has SnapChat I started to think of all the Snaps I could send him. Now I'm not gonna be that psycho ex-girlfriend and actually send them to him but I thought that they were pretty blog-worthy, especially since he doesn't know of this little ol' blog.
I took the photos on my laptop so I'll just write the captions underneath.
I firstly need to apologize for how long it's been. I have been going through a lot in my personal life including getting ready for college and working my butt off to afford to not work my butt off while at college. I have also been dealing with a pretty dramatic breakup that my friends are all tired of hearing about. So I'm going to tell my readers about it.
Actually I'm not going to open up to all the things that happened because honestly it's none of your beeswax. But I am going to say that we ended things because I'm just too awesome to handle ;)
Actually he was kind of an asshole.
Anyways, I just found out that he now has SnapChat. "What is SnapChat?" some of you old farts might ask. Well it is an app you can download on your smartphone to send pictures to your friends. I actually went to the app store to find how they define SnapChat to explain it to you;
"Snap a photo or a video, add a caption, and send it to a friend (or maybe a few). They'll view it, laugh, and then the snap disappears from the screen-unless your friend takes a screenshot!"
So it's pretty much my Me-Memes but they made it into an app. My friends and I use it all the time. PattyStabs is like the queen of SnapChat. We don't even text anymore, we just SnapChat. I wanted to add some examples so that you can really get the idea of it.
These are just a couple random ones that I saved onto my phone. They only give you one line for a caption so sometimes you have to get creative and send a series of photos so that you can fit your whole sentence in.
So when I saw that Asshead now has SnapChat I started to think of all the Snaps I could send him. Now I'm not gonna be that psycho ex-girlfriend and actually send them to him but I thought that they were pretty blog-worthy, especially since he doesn't know of this little ol' blog.
"Writing songs about how much I hate you!"
"Hanging out with my new bf!"
"Think I left my hairbrush at your house..."
"Wish you were here!"
"Oops, wrong person!"
"Wish you were dead."
"You Suck."
"Miss me yet?"
"Yeah you do!"
Haha, I just love em. I was having so much fun taking pictures with Gnarles Barkley that I wanted to upload some extras for you guys. We just look so cute together! <3
Best Friends!
Rock on, rockers.
Gonna be the best post EVER!!
Suck on that, suckers.
I think that pretty much wraps up this post. And just be warned, you mess with me and I'll mess you up and write mean blogs about you. I'm pretty much Taylor Swift.
May the Force be with you!
But not you, Asshead, you wish the Force was with you.
-Ashlynn and Gnarly
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Friday, 15 March 2013
Hey skanks,
I know it's been forever. I've been busy, okay? I was temporarily promoted at the theatre while they looked for a new manager and have been covering shifts like crazy at the pool since it's flu season and there's a few people on vacation. And honestly, none of you are paying me to entertain you so I gotta rake in some dough somehow. So unless you start sending me cheques, you can stop harassing me about how badly you want me to put up another post.
For New Year's Eve the total votes I received as comments and text messages equalled out to be a tie so I wore something completely different haha. I promise to post a picture soon. Actually I owe you guys a couple photos, I'll soon make a post with all promised pictures! I just haven't had time to put on my hot girl disguise and get Melaney to help with a photo shoot.
What I wanted to talk to ya'll about today is the most embarrassing moment of my life. On January 27th, it was Coke's 18th birthday. We decided to go out the Saturday at midnight so it was technically Sunday and had some blue raspberry vodka with sprite before we left to go to the Boston Pizza lounge. When Big Poppa dropped us off at the lounge I was already a tinsy bit tipsy. We got a couple more drinks and then Lulu and P-Douche came to play pool so we moved to a booth at the back of the lounge close to the pool tables. The thing about the back booths is that they are a step up from the floor. They are the only booths in the entire place like that, too! So while you're sitting there you are looking at all these floor-level booths. These older guys came and sat beside us too and kept sending us drinks. I was trying to avoid any contact with them so that they wouldn't think I was interested. Blondie was coming to pick us up and take us to Da Club and when she texted to say she was outside I still had to drink half of the second drink they had sent over. It was about my 6th drink that night and when I chugged the rest of it, it made me feel a little woozie for a minute. And then it was time to get out of the booth and leave for Da Club. I was still trying to avoid eye contact and was looking straight ahead as I got out of the booth behind Coke. And then BAM! Next thing you know, I'm on my knees, have no idea what just happened and the guys are all laughing and saying I'm cut off. I had took one big step out of the booth, forgetting that it was a step up from the floor. It's one of those things where you just look soo wasted but im 90% sure that that was something I would have done sober too. I mean, I am super clumsy. I have no coordination. The one day, Coke and I were at Dollarama and as we were leaving she saw something and said "Ash! Look!" I turned around to see what she was talking about and as I did so, I bumped a stand with bags of chips being displayed and knocked three of them off. Coke then said "let's just go" with a laugh as I picked the bags up and put them back. Then we were in the city and I hit the leg of a small table with my foot by accident in one of the stores. Just little things like that, all the time. Yesterday I was walking out of the bathroom I had just cleaned at the pool and ran my side into the door frame. I should just be covered in bubble wrap all the time. After the incident at BP's my foot was black and blue and swollen for almost two weeks. To this day, the muscles still haven't completely healed. After working all day I would come home and my ankle would be a cankle. Big Poppa said I had "Elephantitis"which I thought he was just making up to be a douche but it's an actual thing.
When I got home from Coke's birthday I also managed to drop my phone down the stairs which caused the battery to break out of it and I had to get a new one on Monday. But I upgraded to the iPhone 5 so I can't be too upset. My parents think I threw my phone on purpose because I had been complaining about it being slow lately but I assured them that I would have waited closer to pay day if that were the case. And I lost everything off of my old phone! My pictures, my memes, my notes, my SUPA PLAYLIST! It sucked!
Ever since Coke became legal we have been quite the bar stars though. We went to a country crawl in Edmonton with our friends at the beginning of February which was fun. We can't two-step very well though. Seannanigans did not fail to point this out to me and told me I had to practice before he would dance with me again. :( I don't know who died and made him king of the country clubs. All I know is that I look darn cute in a cowboy hat ;)
I think that about wraps up this post. I promise to blog a bit more often now. I will have a couple videos being posted soon as well so stay tuned!
Peace and Love I don't think I can pull that off...
May the Force be with You!!!
I know it's been forever. I've been busy, okay? I was temporarily promoted at the theatre while they looked for a new manager and have been covering shifts like crazy at the pool since it's flu season and there's a few people on vacation. And honestly, none of you are paying me to entertain you so I gotta rake in some dough somehow. So unless you start sending me cheques, you can stop harassing me about how badly you want me to put up another post.
For New Year's Eve the total votes I received as comments and text messages equalled out to be a tie so I wore something completely different haha. I promise to post a picture soon. Actually I owe you guys a couple photos, I'll soon make a post with all promised pictures! I just haven't had time to put on my hot girl disguise and get Melaney to help with a photo shoot.
What I wanted to talk to ya'll about today is the most embarrassing moment of my life. On January 27th, it was Coke's 18th birthday. We decided to go out the Saturday at midnight so it was technically Sunday and had some blue raspberry vodka with sprite before we left to go to the Boston Pizza lounge. When Big Poppa dropped us off at the lounge I was already a tinsy bit tipsy. We got a couple more drinks and then Lulu and P-Douche came to play pool so we moved to a booth at the back of the lounge close to the pool tables. The thing about the back booths is that they are a step up from the floor. They are the only booths in the entire place like that, too! So while you're sitting there you are looking at all these floor-level booths. These older guys came and sat beside us too and kept sending us drinks. I was trying to avoid any contact with them so that they wouldn't think I was interested. Blondie was coming to pick us up and take us to Da Club and when she texted to say she was outside I still had to drink half of the second drink they had sent over. It was about my 6th drink that night and when I chugged the rest of it, it made me feel a little woozie for a minute. And then it was time to get out of the booth and leave for Da Club. I was still trying to avoid eye contact and was looking straight ahead as I got out of the booth behind Coke. And then BAM! Next thing you know, I'm on my knees, have no idea what just happened and the guys are all laughing and saying I'm cut off. I had took one big step out of the booth, forgetting that it was a step up from the floor. It's one of those things where you just look soo wasted but im 90% sure that that was something I would have done sober too. I mean, I am super clumsy. I have no coordination. The one day, Coke and I were at Dollarama and as we were leaving she saw something and said "Ash! Look!" I turned around to see what she was talking about and as I did so, I bumped a stand with bags of chips being displayed and knocked three of them off. Coke then said "let's just go" with a laugh as I picked the bags up and put them back. Then we were in the city and I hit the leg of a small table with my foot by accident in one of the stores. Just little things like that, all the time. Yesterday I was walking out of the bathroom I had just cleaned at the pool and ran my side into the door frame. I should just be covered in bubble wrap all the time. After the incident at BP's my foot was black and blue and swollen for almost two weeks. To this day, the muscles still haven't completely healed. After working all day I would come home and my ankle would be a cankle. Big Poppa said I had "Elephantitis"which I thought he was just making up to be a douche but it's an actual thing.
When I got home from Coke's birthday I also managed to drop my phone down the stairs which caused the battery to break out of it and I had to get a new one on Monday. But I upgraded to the iPhone 5 so I can't be too upset. My parents think I threw my phone on purpose because I had been complaining about it being slow lately but I assured them that I would have waited closer to pay day if that were the case. And I lost everything off of my old phone! My pictures, my memes, my notes, my SUPA PLAYLIST! It sucked!
Ever since Coke became legal we have been quite the bar stars though. We went to a country crawl in Edmonton with our friends at the beginning of February which was fun. We can't two-step very well though. Seannanigans did not fail to point this out to me and told me I had to practice before he would dance with me again. :( I don't know who died and made him king of the country clubs. All I know is that I look darn cute in a cowboy hat ;)
I think that about wraps up this post. I promise to blog a bit more often now. I will have a couple videos being posted soon as well so stay tuned!
May the Force be with You!!!
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