Monday, 11 November 2013

You Want It, You Got It


I am currently listening to Bust A Move on repeat in order to get in the zone. I recently created a pageviews contest/ strike. I simply went on Facebook and Instagram and stated that I refuse to write a new post until I had so many pageviews. I have finally checked how many pageviews I have and it is over the amount I requested! So thanks for sitting at home and hitting the refresh button, Mom!

I should really be in bed so I'm gonna make this a simple update post to just let y'all know what's up.

1. Rocking it at school, but we all knew I was a genius

2. Still have made no friends but really, no one is good enough

3. Bonsai tree is still alive but I have stopped watering it everyday because my Grandma told me it might be too much love (who knew there was such a thing?)

4. Hogwarts is still playing hard to get

5. Man fell asleep on me on the bus

6. Well he was sick and dozed off and started to lean into me but woke up when I shifted my arm

7. Sorry, sir, I'm taken

8. I've had to take the elevators a few times when I was sick or late

9. I missed a week of school because I had mono :( which I hate telling people because it makes me sound like a slut

10. I was almost a unicorn for Halloween

11. Long story short: I got dressed up in my unicorn costume, got tired, took off costume, went to bed

12. My parents bought a robotic garbage can

13. Ummmmm...

14. That's all I got

15. Good night! More detailed post will come soon!

May the Force be with you!
