Monday, 29 September 2014

Crazy Cat Lady

Hey all you beautiful creatures!

So I don't know if I've mentioned this before but I grew up having pet dogs, pet newts, pet hamsters, a rabbit and fish. But I've never had a cat. Big Poppa is allergic to cats so we've never had one and that was always fine with me because I never really felt a liking towards cats. Too many claws. But over the summer it was PattyCake and I's one year anniversary and he had been talking about wanting a cat for a while. He grew up on a farm so to go from that where he had quite a few animals around to go to nothing and living in town, it's quite a change. So I started keeping my eyes open for free kitten advertisements thinking it would be the purrfect (HAHAHA) anniversary gift. Because 1: its cute as fuck and 2: its free. I also asked his roommates if it was cool since it's their house too and I'm such a good person. One said he didn't care and the other said that the third guy wouldn't want one. I then thought maybe it wasn't such a great idea. But a day or two later, PattyCake saw I had sent a message to his roommate and was all like what did you need to message him for? And I was like oh shit you weren't supposed to see that. Then he gave me this look and I was like oh shit it sounds like I'm hiding something other than cute ass kitties from him so I told him the whole thing about how I wanted to get one but roommate #2 said that #3 probably wouldn't go for it and I'm a little scared of #3 so I wasn't gonna do it anymore. Well next time I see PattyCake he's all like so I asked him and he was super stoked so when are you getting it? So now I had to find a free kitty worthy of our affection.

It didn't take long. By the next week I had seen an ad on Facebook for free kitten outside of town and they were white and grey like a siamese cat. I've always wanted a siamese cat ever since I'd seen Lady and the Tramp as a kid. So I was pretty excited. I texted the number and asked if they had any boy kittens since they're cheaper to get fixed and they finally texted back and said "yeah, probably". I didn't really know what to take that as because I was kind of expecting a definite answer as to if any of them have dicks or not. So then I say okay well if any of the grey and white ones are boys could I come and take a look? So they hook me up with directions to their house and I text Coke to say she's coming to make sure I don't get murdered or most likely get murdered with me.

After work we grab a few basic supplies from Walmart and start to head out of town. The directions they gave me weren't very good and it took us an hour to find the place which was pretty much in the middle of nowhere. I finally find the driveway they're talking about and see a truck coming down it. It's slowing down as it comes up beside me and so I open my window and a middle-aged man says "hey, thanks for taking cats!" I'm thinking well I'm only taking one like don't get too excited. He also says that some lady whose name I can't recall was waiting on the porch. So Coke and I continue driving and we're a little eery as to what kind of place this is. We finally come across the front of the house where we see a couple of full grown cats and we're like okay at least there are actually cats here and it's not just a way to entice young kitty-lovers to their house and do who-knows-what with them. We park by the side of the house and get out to go to the back porch where we can see someone standing. Approaching the porch we see many more cats. Like too many cats to count. You think you've seen them all and then five more kittens come popping out of hiding spots. There were black ones, grey ones, calico ones, and then one grey and white. I saw the grey and white one and I was like is that one a boy? I want that one. But the crazy cat lady checked and it was a girl :( but she said there were two more that looked like her but she'd have to find them in the house. Yes, there were even more kitties in the house.

After finding the other two, she confirms that one is a girl and the other may possibly be a boy. I'm like possibly? But apparently it's hard for you to tell if a cat is a boy or girl when they're young. I figured possibly was better than a definite girl. At least then if it was a girl PattyCake would most likely be attached to it when we found out it wasn't a boy and wouldn't care. So we take the kitty back to town, I drop Coke off and call PattyCake to tell him I'm coming over with a surprise. He's like "if you got me a cat, I don't want it." I was like WTF? He just told me he wanted one. Then he explained that he wanted to pick it out and I probably got a plain one that looks like everyone else's cat. I had no idea he was so picky about pet's appearances. But when I pulled up to his house, he came outside, looked at the kitten and said "this one's good" and took it inside. I passed the test.

Since the kitten was white and grey and it was raining that day we were thinking of naming it Storm. Since PattyCake and I both had to work the next day we didn't want to leave Storm home alone all day. So I texted Melaney and asked if she'd be interested in kitty-sitting. She said oh fine I'll help you out this one time but you gotta figure it out after that. So the next morning I take Storm to my house and set him up in the bathroom with his litter box, some food and water and his bed. I later get a text from Melaney saying "wow this kitty is little! I don't think he's six weeks like she told you". So then I'm kind of like oh no is my kitten too young to be away from the momma? PattyCake had the next day off so he ended up taking the kitty to the vet just to ask how old it really was and what we do in the case that he is really that young.

He was estimated to be about four weeks old and was also confirmed to be… a girl. Haha sorry PattyCake looks like you're paying for spaying! They said that she should be okay without the momma but to make sure she ate kitten kibbles for the extra calcium.

Well of course we couldn't keep the name Storm. Actually Big Poppa argued that we should since on X-Men the mutant named Storm is a girl. But I was like we want like a princess name. A cute girly name. PattyCake kept insisting that we name her Ashley just to drive me nuts. But I picked Luna. I've always wanted to get a white kitty and name her Luna. Luna is said to be the name of the moon so she has the colours in her fur and my favourite character in Harry Potter is Luna Lovegood so it was perfect. I mean PURRfect!

I never realized how much getting a pet is like having baby. I've had my fair share of pets before but never was it ultimately up to me to raise it. I had to stay up late and play her out so she'd sleep. I sometimes had to get up in the middle of the night 'cause she was hungry. I was up at the break of dawn because she had decided she was done sleeping. It was exhausting. I'd go into work and everyone would be like wow you look tired and I'd be like yeah the kitten was up half the night, I couldn't get her down. It caused PattyCake and I to fight about whose turn it was to clean the litter box. It was brutal. But it was also amazing. I remember texting my mom, who was now a proud grandma to Luna, when she finally had a solid poop after she'd needed a dewormer pill. Like I sent her an excited text saying "whoo! We have solid poop!" and Melaney replied with "Yaay!" Like the only time you are excited about poop is when you've either been constipated for a while and are finally getting relief or when your kid takes a healthy crap. All the mommas out there know what I'm talking about. You're so proud of the milestones your offspring reaches. Even when it's a fur baby. You're also extremely protective. One time we asked the two roommates if they could just keep an eye on her while we ran to the store. When we returned they mentioned how she'd been jumping off the couch onto the floor. This was when she was only four weeks old and PattyCake was like "Why would you let her do that, she's too little!" This surprised me just because boys aren't good at baby steps. I just expected PattyCake to laugh or something but he was actually concerned. It was so cute. And another time when we had to help my parents move into our new house and we left her with the roommates again, they mentioned something about running to Canadian Tire and how the cat would be fine. I tried not to be too overprotective and say no you can't leave her! But after about ten minutes of being away from the house and knowing she was there alone with plenty of plugged in cords to chew, electrify her and kill her, I started freaking out! I was like PattyCake we need to go back to the house! I ran to the door but it was locked and started yelling at PattyCake who was slowly moseying up to the door to hurry up because my baby could be dead. He opened it and I yelled Luna! and ran up the stairs. She was there playing with her rainbow crinkle ball the vet gave her on that first visit, which is her favourite toy. I think I saw PattyCake feel relief when he saw she was fine. There is no crazy when it comes to your baby.

My mom took care of Luna during the day for about three weeks which we are extremely grateful for and should really bake her a cake or something. She finally said it was time to let Luna stay home alone because she really needed to get some shit done. Luna was such a troublemaker that you needed to constantly watch her. She always wanted to go up to the dogs who were kept in the kitchen in order to be of no harm and she'd hiss at them haha like this tiny thing that could fit in your hand would hiss at adult dogs and scare the shit outta them. She's small but mighty.

PattyCake's parents came to visit and they loved Luna. I was scared she would "accidentally" be found in their suitcase when they got back home. It was so funny to them that she was so spoiled. They only ever had outdoor cats that came and went but never an indoor one. Everywhere we went we would check out things to buy her. She is definitely our little princess.

I went from a total "dog person" to a "crazy cat lady" in a matter of weeks. Although I still love dogs, cats are much less maintenance and their independence is a plus for working people like PattyCake and I. The instincts they are born with are so impressive. For instance, to potty-train a cat, you just put them in a litter box, maybe move their paw through it and they just know 'this is where I shall poop'. Luna only pooped under PattyCake's bed twice. Well we smelt it once and I looked under the bed and found a fresh pile and an old pile. But we sprayed her with the disciplinary water spray bottle and showed her what she had done and she hasn't done it since. I remember with puppies that went on for weeks. I'll admit I did have a kind of crazy method for teaching her not to go under our recliner chair at my parent's house. We were scared of her getting stuck between bars or something if we didn't realize she was under there and went to recline it so I kept having to coax her out from underneath and would say no! She still kept hiding under it. Melaney was like she's a cat and they like small, dark spaces but I was determined to teach her a lesson. After one day when she'd done it three times I finally put her downstairs in the basement in her kennel in a time out. I left the bathroom door open but kept the lights off. My mom was like where's Luna? "She's downstairs in a time-out, thinking about why she's bad." Mom laughed so hard at this. Apparently you can't put cats in time-outs. Well she only ever went under that chair two more times. She knew that every third time she would be put in the dark box so she never went that far. I call that success.

I hope to remain on this level of cat craziness. I don't really want to be on the cat-farm people's level. Although I admire them for caring for so many strays that they say get dumped on their property all the time. I just don't think the cat-shredded couch outside on the porch is something I really desire for my future home.

 I'm gonna end this post with a couple pics of Luna Tuna, as PattyCake's mom called her. I bet you'll see why I risked being murdered and fed to cats for the little cutie.

This was taken on the night I picked her up. It's kind of hard to tell but she has pretty blue eyes, another reason why I wanted this kitty. They said they could change but if they made it to about seven weeks they should stay that colour so thankfully she still has them! She's now going on four months.
 This is my favourite picture of her and I took it after she thought she lost me because I went down the hallway while she was in the kitchen. She meowed and I was like I'm over here silly and then she ran to me. Totes adorbs! 

 These were taken when she was sleeping on my lap and then when PattyCake opened a can of pop and woke her up and I captured her bitchy looking expression haha
 This is her reading me a story.
 This is her sleeping all cute.
This is her peeking out from her tunnel, one of many toys.

I hope you are all in agreement that she was worth the risk of being chopped into a million pieces and being fed to cats. She was definitely worth it to me!

May the Force be with you!

RockAwesome and Luna

Thursday, 4 September 2014

A Post About Introverts Which Lacks a Creative Title

I'm baaaaaaack!

And by back I mean back in school :( The sad face is to set the tone of this post because I do not like school that much. School means homework and group projects and living in the scary city and getting up early. School also means I have to leave the house and go out in the world. I hate this the most. I am an introvert, you see. If you don't know what an introvert is it's someone who avoids social activities and is stressed out by social interactions. It doesn't necessarily mean we like to be completely alone all the time but we would much rather hang out with one or two people rather than a whole group. We hate having to speak in front of people and get nervous when answering a question in class. Things like that make you an introvert.

If you like going out all the time and being social and having attention on you, you are most likely an extrovert. It would be so nice to be an extrovert. I believe it is an extroverted world. College is especially an extroverted world. You're supposed to go to a new place and actually talk to people or talk in front of the class and this is horrifying for introverts like me.

Tomorrow is looking like an especially bad day to be an introvert. In my project management class we have to not only stand in front of the class and do introductions which I despise (see post: This Blog is all I have in a Busy Cafeteria) but we also have to go around the room and decide who we want in our groups for a giant group project that pretty much happens for the entire class. Like the whole class is a giant group project. I wanna cry just thinking about it. It's not only that I'm shy but my whole body reacts to having to talk in front of new people. Like I will shake for about twenty minutes after standing up and saying a quick blurb like "Hi, I'm Ashlynn I love unicorns and sparkles and eating fast food." Okay I would never say that in front of my peers but you get the idea. Just a thirty second blurb will cause a half hour of distress in my body. Heart pounding, hand shaking, palm sweating distress. The only way to stop this distress is getting drunk. But I don't think the school will be too impressed with that. I wish I could drop project management but unfortunately I need it for my degree. I have presentations in other classes too so I might as well just get used to them. Presentations will likely be a big part of my profession too. I guess the only way to get out of them would be to shut myself indoors and become a professional blogger. I guess I'd actually have to write some blogs then hey? I've brainstormed a few ideas for posts so I'll get writing them right away. I promise this because I have no friends to hang out with so I need something to do anyway.

Keep checkin in!
May the Force be with you!


Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Exam Week

Hello, Hello!

Here I am sitting in my condo bedroom in the city and who am I thinking about? You, my lovely readers. AKA Mom and Grandma.

So there is only five days left of my first year of college! Tomorrow I have to attend one class where I will politely watch three marketing presentations and then I'm off to my hometown for Easter weekend. On Tuesday I start exam week! Where I have three 8 am exams :( 8 am exams suck because it means I have to get on the bus at 7 am! Getting on the bus at 7 am sucks because it means I have to get up by 6:15! Getting up at 6:15 sucks because it means that I have to be in bed by like 10 and normally I can't sleep that early. 8 am exams are kind of nice though because you're done them super early and then you can go home, have a nap, and have time to study for the next 8 am exam happening the next day. Exams that are at like 3:30 suck because then you spend all your time prior to the exam studying for that exam and then after you just wanna chill because it's 5:30 already and you don't get home to eat until 6:15 or so but oh wait you have to be up at 6:15 am the next day for your last 8 am class! And then after that exam you can go home, have a nap and then return to the school for 6 pm to write your online class' final exam and then by the time you finish that one it's 8 pm and you now have to drive an hour and a half to your hometown because YOU'RE FINALLY DONE COLLEGE YEAR 1. It's a bitter-sweet thing, exam week.

In the spirit of exam week I am going to write a list of all the things I won't miss about my first year and all the things that make me happy it is finally over!

1. No more school. No more listening to boring teachers, no more homework assignments, no more group projects, no more studying, no more essay-writing, no more citing the shit out of papers. No more!

2. No more bus riding. I'm getting real tired of standing on corners, or by poles without getting paid for it.

3. No more making my own dinner. Okay, I'm sure I'll still make dinners quite a bit but at least I won't be so dependant on myself. Putting pizza pops in the microwave can be so exhausting especially after a long day of bus riding.

4. No more having to listen to my roommate's music from his room. This morning he was listening to Avril Lavigne. Like, really?

5. I'll save tons of money on gas. I really don't consider myself a citizen of any town at this point because I just travel between home and the city so much. I'm a drifter.

6. My parents just bought a new house! I'm not sure if I'm allowed to share this information at this point but the only people who read this already know anyways! I'm super excited about it. I love new houses. This one is just like five minutes out of our town so we're not really moving away, just upgrading. And my parents want to get a swim spa and a fire pit and it will be so cool!

7. I'm working at the pool again this summer and am looking forward to it. I like teaching swimming lessons and hanging out in shorts all day. And I can make some money!!

8. The last day of exams is when I get my tax-return money and I'm going shopping!!

9. I won't be lonely as much. Living somewhere else from everyone sure takes it's toll on you.

10. I can finally watch Frozen. My mom bought it but I haven't been home long enough to watch it and everyone is talking about it so damn much.

So as you can tell, I'm pretty stoked to be done with college. And to think, I still have three more years
:( this shit better get me rich.

Good luck to any fellow students also entering exam week!
May the Force be with you!

Na na na na na na na na AshMan!


Thursday, 6 February 2014

Small Town, Small Knowledge

Hey Mom! (C'mon, let's be honest we all know it's just you)

The weirdest thing just happened to me. I was thinking of that song New York Groove and then I clicked the play button on my keyboard and that song came on. Freaky! And it's really funny because I was planning on writing about living in the big city in this post.

So, I (Blurred Lines just came on, dance interlude) have been living in the city since September and it is now February so that's…uh…carry the one…5 months and I have to say…I STILL HAVE NO CLUE WHAT I'M DOING. I mean I normally just go to school on the bus and then bus back home and then travel back to my cozy small town on weekends to visit PattyCake so I have my routine I like to stick to and I have mastered it. But lately I've been expanding my horizons a bit and have found that growing up in a small town has given me a sort of handicap. For instance, last week after school a friend from class and I caught the bus together (that's right! A friend!) and then went into the downtown mall, which I have been too scared to go into, to walk through to the LRT station I didn't know existed. And this adventure was enough to blow my mind so just imagine how much I freaked out when I saw that this mall has FLOATING ESCALATORS! Yeah, you read that right. FLOATING. Like the staircases in Harry Potter. Like I was actually waiting for one of them to whip itself around and attach to a different wall. I guess people don't understand what I'm talking about when I say floating escalators and what I mean is this; escalators that are floating! Okay, no for real they are escalators that are only supported by the top and bottom so there's nothing beside them. I know that you probably don't see what the big deal is but I have only ever been on escalators that have like a staircase beside them (like in the LRT stations where I run up the staircase to race the people on the escalator because I'm in suuuuuuch good shape) or benches all around the bottom and walls built up so that you can't walk underneath. Does that make sense? I asked my friend to take a picture of me on it but he thought I was joking :( Oh yeah! And there's like escalators above other escalators and even that is like too much for me.

Another incident I encountered just yesterday included Safeway, a cart and $100 of groceries. So I hadn't gone grocery shopping really since this term started. I was just eating like soup and cereal for a month. Well I did stop in at the grocery store once after school but I couldn't buy much since I was taking it on the bus. So this was my first real time grocery shopping this term. The last time I did a large grocery shopping trip I just used a basket which was a mistake since I then had to carry a heavy, overflowing basket around the entire store. And of course I can never find anything so I walk through the Safeway like a dozen times. But anyways I have never gotten a cart at Safeway before. The grocery store I go to at home just has normal carts. Like you just grab one and put your groceries in it. Not these carts. You have to put money in these carts (and they don't even push themselves which is totally bogus! Like if I gotta pay for you, you could help push yourself at least). So I go to the carts and I'm like alright I choose you to carry my food, let's go. I tug on the cart and it doesn't budge. It is attached by a chain to all of the over carts! So then I try pulling the chain out like okay I only need one, thanks. Doesn't budge. A middle-aged woman comes in then and I see she puts a coin into a slot in the cart handle. Of course she does this after giving me a sort of weird look. A look that read "jeez, this girl doesn't know how to get a cart, good thing she has cute hair (I just got a haircut, thanks for noticing)." So then I'm like what the fuck kind of grocery store is this that I have to pay to carry my groceries in a wheeled basket? But I got a gift card for my birthday so I wasn't about to go anywhere else. Plus I was starving, like I had barely eaten in three weeks. So I grab my wallet out of my purse (it's a new wallet. It's pink.) and open the change pocket and I'm like alright you stupid cart, how much you charge? Deciding that I'm going start low and go higher like in a bidding war, I pull out a quarter. Lucky guess! Goes in like magic. Actually, goes in like a quarter in a quarter-sized slot. So then I can pull the chain out and I then I have a cart! And then I bought a cart-full of groceries which cost $100! But it was discount day, which was a nice surprise, and I had a $50 gift card from Grandma and Grandpa (thanks guys!). So then I take my groceries out to Petey and load em up in the backseat and then had to take my cart to the cart area in the parking lot. I absolutely hate it when people leave carts lying around in the parking lot. Like seriously, be a good person. I normally grab all the carts I come across and put them in the cart area. Because I am a really good person. So then I put this cart back and I'm like hey I'm gonna chain it to this other one so that they are neat and organized. Pushing this chain into place, something magical happens. My quarter pops out. I get my money back when I put my cart back. How genius is that? Safeway! Your genius is showing!

After grabbing groceries I saw that my gas tank only had a quarter in it so I was like whoa it's discount day so I can get gas right here at the Safeway gas station! So I pull up to the pump and it says that I can either pay at the pump or prepay inside. And I'm like well I don't know how much I need and PattyCake always pays at the pump so I'm sure I can figure it out. Yes, that's right, I've never paid at the gas pump before. I always gas up and then go into the convenience store and pay after. So at first I'm sticking my Safeway card in the wrong slot haha this machine had almost no instructions and it just kept saying "Please Re-Insert Card" and I'd put it in and then it would go "Quickly Remove Card" so then I'm doing this over and over again and thinking wow like how fast do I have to remove it? I don't think I can go any faster. And then I see the little scanner thing where you scan the barcode on your Safeway card. Then I'm laughing at myself for how retarded I am. As I'm sure they will be when they watch their security footage. I can just see it, couple of middle-aged men sitting around eating doughnuts "Paul! Come look at this blonde trying to put her Safeway card in the credit card slot! She does have a real cute haircut though.." Then it tells me to select which gas I want and I'm like just regular is fine. Then I start pumping until it's full. I go to pay and it asks me how much fuel I would like. And my total was something like $45 so I'm like uhh I think I'll take $45. I press the 4 and then it tells me to insert my card so I put my debit card in, enter my pin and then it tells me to start fuelling my car. So then I'm like uhh he's full of fuel, he can't fit anymore. I then decided to just go into the office and try to pay. I had to hand in a Visa card I found on the cement at the pump anyways so it wasn't a big deal. I just pretended that the pump was confused and that I knew what I was doing. The man was very proud of me for handing in this Visa card and I just wanted to be like well did you see me organize the carts earlier? So I then paid for my gas inside and went home to check my online banking app and saw that it didn't charge me twice so that's good.

So those are my examples of why I'm not ready for city living. It's just too complicated. Escalators all over the place, security deposit carts, confusing gas pumps. I can't handle all that shit. And the other day an older man was making cat noises at me on the LRT. I just reread that sentence and it totally sounds like there was an old man meowing at me. No. He was making these noises like when you're calling a cat like you kind of click your tongue or whatever. I can't explain it. Anyways, I heard someone making this noise and I thought oh my gosh! Someone has kitties on the train! I wanna pet the kitties! Cause like I love little kitties. When I first met PattyCake, his roommate had baby kitties and I named them Beyonce and Nicki Minaj. Anywheres, oh shit I just typed "anywheres" instead of anyways. Haha it's 2 AM, give me a break. Anyways* I'm sitting on the LRT with my cute haircut and looking around for kitties when I see this man is looking at me while making these noises. Holy shit, I'm the kitty. Let's just say when it came to my stop, I ran off that crazy train.

I would like to end this post by just stating again that I am just a small town girl, living in a lonely world. I took the LRT going anywhere..

Haha Journey reference in case you don't get it. If you didn't get that…kill yourself.

Just kitten! I love you no matter what references you may or may not get.

May the Force be with you!


Thursday, 9 January 2014


Hey homies,

So it's 2014 now as I'm sure you know. How was your New Year's Eve? Mine consisted of playing Mario Kart with the bf and him falling asleep at 11:30 haha that's fine with me. I'm over the whole party thing I think. Every time I go to the bar now I feel like my mom. For instance, I start saying things like "why's it so hot in here?" or "it's so crowded, I need some space!" So I skipped that New Year's Eve tradition I guess. Another one I skipped was making a New Year's resolution. Well I told PattyCake that I wanted to drink more water but I didn't really make a life changing, hopeful promise to myself that I would do better this year. I'm starting to think that I'm really the best I can be. I mean if something is perfect you don't go changing anything right?

So for this post I started to think of all the things I really could've made my resolution. Even though I say I'm all that and a bag of potato chips I don't really mean it (I try not to eat potato chips; they make me break out). So this is a list of all the things I should probably start doing but am 99.99% likely not to:

1. Stop eating Wendy's. Nope. Not happening. I'd marry Wendy if I met her. And I am not keen on gingers. I just love my JBCs.

2. Play my guitar more often. I went to this job fair in grade 10 or 11 and told everyone there I was being a rockstar when I grew up. I should get that attitude back.

3. Use the lotion I bought in October. You walk into Bath and Body Works once and come out with ten years worth of body lotion and I have only used like 20mls. What a waste.

4. Smile more often. I feel like I look like a dweeb when I smile. You know those girls who just have a beautiful smile and it like lights up the room? Yeah, I don't have one of those. I just have a weird smile. No one has ever complimented my smile :( I wonder if there's somewhere where they teach you how to smile nicely.

5. Make friends. I still haven't really made any friends at college. I got along really well with the people in one of my group projects but we have no classes together now and I don't want to be that one that's in a group once and can't let go.

6. Stop being obsessed with The Little Mermaid. I say this because I just went to Walmart for a binder, razors and a new pillow and came home with Little Mermaid sheets and no binder. But I am so excited to put them on my bed. Like this is the best part of my week.

7. Blog more often. I really have no excuse. I can't even say I have no material because really the voices in my head make everyday entertaining. It's really just pure laziness.

8. Actually write the posts I promise to write. I keep doing this to you guys where I'm like 'yeah next post will include this' or something along those lines and I never follow through. Sorry, I'm human and I'm 97% sure only my mom reads this blog and I tell her all those stories anyways.

9. Drink more water. I seriously go like all day without drinking anything. And then when I get home I have maybe two drinks which isn't close to enough. Especially considering it's usually a coke and a glass of milk.

10. Stop thinking of sharks while swimming. Me and the roomie watched Soul Surfer like two months ago and the last time I went for a swim in our condo's pool I, of course, started to think of it. That was a quick dip for sure.

11. Stop imagining I'm in The Shining while walking to the condo's pool. Okay I have to explain this one a bit. Our condo is made up of multiple hallways with doors at each end and the pool is on the other side of the building from our apartment so I have to walk through almost like a hamster maze to get there. And it's always creepily quiet and then when you do get to the pool it is also quiet as fuck and all you can hear are the pipes in the mechanical room. At least that's what I tell myself the noises are. Maybe it's the shark sleeping.

12. Stop breaking stuff in my car. I now have broken remote start, only defrost setting and a broken headlight. I have no idea why the remote start isn't working. I broke the vent setting thing. It was frozen but I thought it was just being stubborn so I twisted it really hard and snapped something inside. I think my dad broke my headlight. I thought it was just burnt out so I bought new bulbs and he was changing it for me and broke off some piece and it's still not working so he says its probably a connection problem that is not his fault. Thanks a lot, Dad.

Well I think that should be good for this year. I'm not even gonna waste time writing that I'll be working out because we all know that ain't gonna happen. I am still taking the stairs everyday and have one class two buildings away from all my other classes so all that hiking is my workout.

I hope you guys have a great year and haven't given up on your resolutions already!

And look at me, I'm not even gonna tell you what I'll write about next time. One thing down!

May the Force be with you,
