Wow, if you looked up the word 'forever' in the dictionary it would say "how long ago Ashlynn wrote a fucking blog post". I'm sorry about being MIA my beautiful people. I will quickly bring you up to date on the events in my life.
1)Now done year 2 of college, two more to go
2)Now crocheting baby blankets to sell on the side of the road for cash to buy drugs and alcohol
3)Just kidding about selling them on the side of the road
4)It'll mostly be in alleyways and in the underground train stations
5)I'm living in the citaaaay for the summaaaaa and I finally decorated the room I've been living in for two years now
And finally to the thing I wanted to talk about the most in this post!(haha that rhymed)
6)I started a new job this month!
This is due to the fact that I was not given a full time position for the summer at my job in Hometown USA.(just kidding, I don't live in the USA, Canada REPRESENT!, I just don't disclose that much personal information to y'all in the slight chance that someone reading this isn't my relative and is also a stalker) Since I need money to like breathe air and stuff this caused a problem. So I decided to look for a second job because, as those of you who have been with me since the birth of this bloggy know; I rock at two jobs. Except that I'm getting old and tired and cranky and now my two jobs are in two different towns and I don't wanna do it anymore :'(
But anyways, so I started this new job a few weeks ago and like it's alright. I don't mind it. But I kind of forgot what it's like to start a whole new job where you don't know anyone at all. Like last summer I just returned to my old job at the pool so I knew mostly everyone there and knew what I was doing. So I kind of forgot what it's like to be thrown into a completely new place with all new people who you don't know at all. You know what it's like? It fucking sucks. Excuse my language, it's fucking terrible.
I hate being in new places. I hate meeting new people. I hate being the new girl. I especially hate being the new boy. And I hate not knowing what I'm doing. And I hate getting in trouble because I didn't know what I was doing. And I hate getting into trouble for just being a plain old bad ass.
I've usually stayed out of trouble for most of my life. At home and at school I was usually quite obedient. Sometimes at work though I'll admit, I've been in trouble. Usually it's just rookie mistakes and sometimes it was me just doing what I thought should be the right way.
At my first job at the movie theatre I got in trouble all the time. And this was mostly due to the fact that my manager was a man and, not to be sexist or stereotypical, but men are terrible at giving directions and explaining shit. Sometimes though I was just unaware of proper practices. The first time I got in trouble at work was when I made juice for the juice dispenser we had and I put sugar in the juice. The previous shift I was taught how to make juice for the slushee machine and you poured the package of crystals into a jug and then two cups of sugar into the jug and then filled it with water and shook it with all your bootylicious ability. So when I was asked to make juice I did it the same way. But oh no no! Once I poured the juice into the juice dispenser my manager saw there was some undissolved sugar at the bottom of the jug and I was like oops didn't shake it enough and added some water to the jug and dissolved that sugar to add into the machine. Then he asked me, hey did you put sugar in that juice? And I said yeah and one juice package. Then he was like yelling at me that you only put sugar in the juice thats being used for slushees because it needs sugar to freeze properly. Well sor-ry sir but that was not included in my instructions orientation yesterday. Then he kept freaking out about it and I grabbed a bucket from the back counter and yelled "WELL DO YOU WANT ME TO EMPTY IT?!?" To which he replied, "WELL THATS GONNA BE SOME SUGARY JUICE!" And that was the first time I ever got in trouble at work.
There are countless times after that at that job. One time I turned the lights on too soon while waiting for a movie to get out because the credits were still rolling but I wanted people to leave. Another time I turned the popcorn machine off too soon. Anytime I ran out of popcorn I was getting the big interrogation of how could I possibly run out of popcorn when that was my only job and it wasn't like I was using an old ass slow ass machine or anything!! One time I got yelled at because my manager was draining water out of the ice buckets at the pop machines and asked if it was empty yet and I said no there's still ice in it and he was all like look in this bucket I have, what's in it? And I said water and then he was like yeah so I'm not asking about the ice, I'm asking if there's still water in it. And I was like oh kaaaay snappy mcgee there's still a little bit of water in the mother fucker, get over it.
One time, and okay this was bad, I gave people free popcorn. Like I gave them a little bag we used for the staff to snack on popcorn in between shows. They were kids I went to school with and they weren't even my friends. They were the popular kids and I just wanted to seem cool and bad ass. So I gave them this tiny bag of popcorn and it was like a hamburger bag like literally those foil bags they used to put the burger in at A&W? Like it was that small. That's why I didn't think it was a big deal. Then my boss came over and yelled at me for giving them free popcorn right in front of them and a big rush of customers and then later all of them decided they didn't want to watch the movie after all so they all got refunds and then they were messing around in the parking lot and dropped the popcorn I gave them and my boss made me go "clean up after my friends" and I had to take the broom outside and sweep it up. I just realized how I blocked this out of my memory and bringing it up again it causes tears to fill my eyes just like they did when I swept up that popcorn in front of the popular kids. After I came back inside my boss must've seen what a sad panda I was because he said "we're all good now, okay?" And I nodded my head and went to hide in the back room. (BTW this event still didn't make me cool, seen as a bad ass, or popular. What a waste of popcorn.)
At the pool job I didn't get in trouble too much. Once I sat on the base of the guard chair instead of on the actual seat and was told not to do that. It's comfier there though. One time my supervisor said that I can't sit on a regular plastic chair instead of the guard chair even if there's only one kid in the pool. But other than that there hasn't really been a time I've been in trouble. Oh wait, there was one time where I clicked the wrong button on the till and the one lady made me redo all my front counter training. The one with no cell phone, remember her? Yeah that was unnecessary. I don't know if that's really like getting in trouble though. It was definitely punishment.
So the first time I got in trouble at this new job was the other day when I was put on "extra". Extra is in my words being the bitch. You just do little odd jobs the supervisor asks you to do. So when I was told I was an extra I didn't really know what to do. I assumed it meant you could just chill in the staff room and wait to be asked to do something. So that's what I did. Trust me this wasn't fun. It meant I had to sit there and have no one talk to me and have nothing to do for like three hours. Then later the supervisor comes in and the staffroom was just packed full of people who were doing a course and were on supper break and he says for all the extras to follow him. Then outside of the staffroom he sees me within the group and says "where'd you go?" And I was like "what? I've just been waiting in there." And then he asked why I didn't go find him at all and I was like uhh I thought you'd come to me. Because I legit did. Like I was not trying to get out of doing anything. I like being busy at work, especially at a new job where you have no friends and no one talks to you in the staffroom. Then he was like "you just sat in the staffroom for three hours?" to which I replied, "uhh no like two and a half, I went to get Opa! first." Then he said I'm a bad employee. But this supervisor is pretty chill like I don't think I was actually in trouble. He was kinda laughing about it. And when he asked us to all follow him it was because he wanted to show us the secret storage spaces in the building. So I don't know if I would consider this me really getting into trouble and honestly the worst thing that could happen is me never being allowed to be put on extra again which is completely fine with me because I'd rather do what I was actually hired to do. And also I'm a boss ass bitch but I ain't no extra bitch! Booyaa!
So that's all I wanted to talk about tonight. I'm sleepy and I have to get up and drive back to Hometown tomorrow and work one shift and then drive back here to the big city to work the rest of the week. And then drive back to Hometown and work and then the city and drive, work, drive, work, driiiiiiiive, work. OMG I'm exhausted.
Good night my lovelies.
May the Force be with you!
Ashlynn Skyworker haha