Friday, 25 May 2012

Sorry for Melting Faces

Please excuse my absence lately. I'm sure so many of you have been just been on standby waiting to see a new post from me. (Thanks for your patience, mom and auntie) I will now explain why you may have started to think I have fallen off the face of the earth. It starts with a T and ends with an -alent Show. That's right, the talent show. What some of you may not know about me is that I play guitar. Just kidding, I rock the guitar. I've played for about 9 years now and am still obsessed with it. My idol is Slash and one day I'll be him. But minus the drug addiction and habits of stealing. So they'll probably just call me Ash. Anyways, I really wanted to enter in the talent show since it would be the last year I'd have the opportunity to show all of my peers up. I was too nervous to go in alone though and so I decided to collaborate with my two talented friends, PattyStabs and Blondie. They already had a song in mind which we did an acoustic cover of. We started to practice about three weeks before the talent show which just added pressure of perfecting it in time. This made me quite nervous considering my stage fright consists of me losing all memory of the rehearsed performance and praying to God that I somehow pull through. I used to be a synchronized swimmer and if asked while waiting for my turn at the Water Show I wouldn't even be able to tell you how I got in the pool. But my muscle-memory would kick in and I'd somehow do fucking awesome. So I practiced this song like there was no tomorrow. Every chance I got I was in my room rocking out. The day of the talent show I didn't know what to wear. I thought 'everyone is going to be looking at me, I gotta look ballin'. So I went with my Empire Strikes Back t-shirt. When in doubt, rep The Force.
Not sure if people liked the song or the shirt better. Pretty classy, I'd say.

I made a lot of people promise to vote for us, including my mom and aunt who bought $10 worth of votes each as they walked through the door. Beardy told me this was cheating. I say nay nay. When you've got a fan base you put those peeps to work. 

Okay the suspense is killing me so I'm just gonna put up the video.

Some of you may know the song, its Pumped Up Kicks by Foster the People. One teacher asked us if we wrote it and we almost said yes. At the end of the video you can see Blondie and I throwing our pics. Blondie thought that this would be a fun way to end the performance especially considering they made us go first. When we threw them they didn't go far at all. I wonder if anyone even bothered to grab them. The janitor who swept the floor afterward is one lucky lady. 
The pic I prepared to toss off stage.

After the long weekend we found out that we came in first place thanks to our loyal fan base. so we each won $25 iTunes cards. My grandma also made me a delicious celebratory cake.

A is for Awesome! ...and Ashlynn, I guess.

  Gnarly also enjoyed the cake. So like I said, I apologize for my absence but I think it has been excused. Sometimes melting faces gets in the way of blogging. 

May the force be with you!

P.S. Episode IV: A New Hope came out 35 years ago, today. 


  1. Whoooooo!!! Second person to comment on the sickest blog in the blog a sphere!!

  2. So what was my 12$ of votes, our duet of hurt around the fire, was hide in seek on Walmart a lie to you? Why can't I be mentioned in your blog, I bought my first unicorn with you!! I thought we could make beautiful music together.
