Okay, I need to get on track here. So! A few months ago I made a post saying to leave me alone but in that same post I also promised a few different blog entries. One of those entries was called My Reinvention of Texting. One of them was also called My Grandma Calls Me Asshead. Haha maybe I'll do that one next. But let me explain my whole texting thing.
I'm assuming that all of you have a cell phone. Like really, who doesn't now a days? Well there is one lady at the pool who doesn't have one but no one likes her so it's probably because she knows she wouldn't have any contacts. The thing most phones are used for is texting. I got a cell phone in the sixth grade but it was only for emergencies and no one else had one so I didn't really have anybody to text. But in grade seven almost everyone got a cell for Christmas. And that's when it started; the lol's, the jk's, the rofl's. It was new and awesome and entertaining. Most conversations were just a few messages back and forth of "hey" "sup?" "nothin. you?" "nothin" "so whatcha doin?" "nothin. you?" "nothin" "sweet" "yeah" "gtg" "see ya". If this happened between you and your 8th grade crush it was seriously magical. Like I mean heart-pounding, palm-sweating magic. But with anyone else it was just lame. Like time-wasting, eye-rolling lameness. And so, after about five years of the same old conversations I decided to spruce things up a bit.
You know how I said that I would go to those Rock the Diploma courses? Well, before I had started my blog I went to one in January for physics. This included spending the entire weekend in the city with my father in a hotel. It was pretty much party time. Haha does that sound weird? I just felt like I was making it sound like it was going to be a dreadful time but it wasn't so bad. I'm my Daddy's princess. He even offered to take me to see Beauty and the Beast because it was currently playing in theatres in its 3D re-released version. But I said that we could see Contraband because I'm awesome like that. The only thing about staying with Big Poppa is that he snores. Really loudly. And he fall asleep super fast. Like he's probably the only one who can pass out faster than I can. He's also probably the only one who can eat faster than me. (Seriously, you look away for a minute and his plate is empty). So I barely got any sleep the second night of my course which left me very overtired and cooky, much like I am now. So I sent this message to my brother, T-Bird.
He was still sleeping when I sent this first message so I started to send him multiple things until he woke up.
These are just some clips of our conversation with my new invention of "twexting". So far, I thought it was going over well. I decided to try some on Coke to see how they went over.
So, at first she wasn't so keen on them but I think she got used to them. I also tried some on Beardy. At the beginning I don't think he really understood the point of them which made me giggle. Silly Beardy. What a blonde.
I wasn't talking about beating my dad up, if that's what you're thinking. I just cut out a few parts of the conversation because I knew you wouldn't care and didn't want to force you to fake it. I just thought some of these hashtags were humorous.
The only thing about twexting was that I think it was a little bit ahead of it's time. Not everybody understood it. They weren't quite ready yet. I found these messages on my brother's phone in his conversation with our mom.
The thing was, though, that twexting kind of got into you. It started to get hard to resist. And they just couldn't fight the urge.
Another way I made my "text life" more exciting was by sending my own memes. I'm sure many of you are familiar with memes. Little cartoon kind of pictures that people send in their texts in order to show emotions. (wow, I just came up with that definition on the spot) So when I was all good looking for my casual grad photos I took a bunch of self portraits on my phone and then used them in a conversation with one of my close friends, Beetyke. Beetyke and I used to work together and he is the darkest yet funniest person I know. I'm in love with him. Just kitten! But we are quite close.
So the next time you're bored with your texting conversations just add in some little things to spice them up a bit. You can try attaching audio to your messages too. That might be fun! Sometimes Beardy sends me clips of him playing piano but it kind of pisses me off because I can't play piano but wish I could. I sent him a clip of me playing an acoustic version of Eye of the Tiger but he never commented on it so I'm not even sure if he listened to it. Fucking douche. Haha jk Beardy, you know we cool. But it is now 6:53 AM. My dad has already left for work. He was very shocked to see me still awake. He also said that he didn't want his smile cookie. He was like "well if you want it, you can have it because--" and I was like "Okay! Pass it over!". And it was delicious. But I'd really like to fall asleep before the sun comes up! Ttyl!
May the Force be with you!
ReplyDeleteOnce you start you can't stop! Haha try making up some of your own memes, they really spruce up a conversation!