Saturday, 29 December 2012

Merry Christmas, ya Filthy Animal!

Yo yo yo! Sorry I've been away so long. I've been busy under the mistletoe!

While I was busy not blogging, I became a rapper. Just kitten! I've always been a rapper. Okay, let's get serious. How was your Christmas? Mine was just dandy. All I asked for was a vacation but my parents said no, sadface, so I said I wasn't doing Christmas this year. As in, I wasn't buying gifts and I didn't want any. Because as every year goes by my family members want less and less and I need less and less so it's just a pain in the patooty to walk around the mall for hours and spend hundreds of dollars on stuff people don't even really want. I donated operation Christmas Child shoeboxes and called 'er good.

But Melaney said it wasn't good enough! Well, she said that everyone was going to get me gifts so I was going to feel bad if I didn't give anything. So I decided that Gnarly and I would give our own special gifts. I recruited Coke as photographer and we took some amazing shots. I then went through the brutal process of printing and cutting the photos and putting them into photo snow globes from Walmart. This process was brutal because the snow globes don't say what size of photo is needed and so we just printed off 4x6's and were going to trim off the excess but they were still too big considering the photos needed to be 2x3. The Walmart photo centre doesn't print 2x3's though so I had to send the pictures to a local printshop. It was so much effort for my silly little no-thought gift. They did turn out good though and my family members loved them. These are the photos we used;

 This is my absolute favorite one. I'm gonna put a copy in a frame haha. It was hard for me to climb up the hill in my boots because they have no grip. I did five face-plants each time and ended up having to crawl to the top.
 Not sure if anyone noticed how ballin' I look in my unicorn toque. Or how adorable Gnarles looks covered in snow. I had to put him in the bath tub after this and dry him with a blow dryer.
 This one is supposed to say "Gnarly! We're supposed to wrap the presents, not ourselves!" I love this kitty wrapping paper too haha totes adorbs!
 This is our fake mistletoe shot. I call it fake because we couldn't find mistletoe anywhere! We ended up just using this holly-looking stuff which worked fine.

A pretty successful Christmas, if I say so myself. I also turned 18 on the 21st which was as we say, Rock Awesome! The world didn't end and I was finally let into da club. I always call it "da club" haha even though it's a pretty sad excuse for a "nightclub". Before we went to da club we had a pre-party at my friend's, Franklin's house. The pre-party was a surprise and I had just been sitting at my house doing nothing and Coke wasn't texting me back and I was super mad and then Blondie was like just come chill with me at Franklin's! So I go there and I'm taking off my coat, just about to say 'wtf is with Coke?' when Blondie and PattyStabs are like come into the kitchen and then Coke, Beardy, ShanMan, Schmidthead,  and Lulu all popped out. Seannanigans was there too but he did not 'pop' haha. I had to call my mom and Beetyke because we had all been bad-mouthing Coke. I was presented with the best birthday cake I've ever had too.
Everyone was like 'you spelt it wrong' to Coke and she was like 'ugh it's from the first movie, dumbass.'

My brother got me Star Wars footy pajamas that I have yet to take a picture of. Next blog post, I'll upload one. Sorry, no butt flap though :(
Beardy bought me new Toms. They are white with silver leopard print and are super nice. I'll take a picture of them too.
My Aunt bought me the movie Pitch Perfect and I've watched it like, no joke, 50 times.
Seannanigans didn't get me anything; douche. haha

And now, lovely readers, I must ask for your help. I need you to help decide which dress I should wear on New Year's Eve. Please comment on this post and say either silver or black because I suck at making decisions. I am totally comfortable wearing either one and I turn to you guys because I keep just trying each one on and dancing around my room, which is fun, yes, but doesn't help with making my choice. Make your votes fast because New Year's Eve is only a couple days away! I'll count the votes on the 31st when I get off work around 5.

All votes are appreciated! I feel like each dress holds a different fate and I am putting that fate into your hands. You could determine how my 2013 goes. You could determine the rest of my life. No pressure!!

Thanks for your help!
May the Force be with you!!



  1. I find it disturbing to picture Gnarly in my tub! Snow globes are awesome though. Big Poppa, T-Bird and I all vote silver.

    1. Everytime I get excited that I have a new comment it's my mom :( I don't know if I should count y'all as one vote or three.
